This is really a faux cathedral window but it's as close as I've ever come or ever will come to making a real one. It's so fun and easy I see no reason to slave away for hours for the same result! Those of you who are purists out there probably beg to differ. lol
For each block you will need 4-3 1/2" background squares and 1-6 1/2" square.
Fold the 6 1/2" square in half, wrong sides together. Lay this folded piece with the raw sides away from you and the folded edge toward you.Take 2-3-1/2" squares and with the right sides together, sandwich the larger, folded square between the two at the left edge.Match the edges that are away from you.
Pin and do the same thing on the right hand side. Sew those two seams.
It will look something like an "H" or bridge shape.
By matching the edges that are away from you, it leaves a 1/4" seam allowance at the edge closest to you.
Pull apart the "bridge" that was formed and match the two long edges together. Nest the seams in the middle to distribute the bulk. Pin and sew. Now the fun step! Fold it open flat and press.
You can either leave it like this, stitch it down now or later when you quilt it, or do it MY favorite way. Roll back the four sides to make a nice curve and stitch it down. Since the sides are on the bias, it folds beautifully! Some folks insert a third fabric in the center before rolling it in and sewing but, so far I am loving it this way.
This charity quilt will be taken to the Senior Center for the ladies to tie.
Hope it goes to a tomboy baby! Not sure if you can tell yet when they're still using a crib quilt. lol You moms with girls will have to let me know!
Blessings to you~